The Three Hares Project

The Three Hares Project was formed in 2000 by Tom Greeves, archaeologist and historian, Chris Chapman, documentary photographer, and Sue Andrew, art history researcher. The project is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to record and research all known occurrences of the three hares motif.

Individual research began in the late 1980s when Tom Greeves explored the distribution of the symbol, with results published in Dartmoor Magazine (Winter 1991). Tom's work showed that the distribution within Devon extended well beyond Dartmoor, and drew attention to the occurrence of the design both in continental Europe and in the Buddhist cave temples at Mogao, North West China.

In 1999, Tom and Elisabeth Greeves carried out further exploration in France and Germany.

Sue Andrew's extensive research began in the mid-1990s. Her studies focused on the motif in Islamic and Buddhist contexts and on the possible transmission of the design from east to west through the medium of textiles. Sue has established valuable contacts with collectors, curators and scholars in relevant academic fields.

Chris Chapman's images are essential to the Project, for it is only through the medium of photography and through the skill of the photographer that the detail and craftsmanship of many of the more inaccessible examples of the hares can be fully appreciated.

The Three Hares Project has documented all known occurrences of the motif in Britain and has carried out extensive work in continental Europe. The Project team visited China in August 2004 to give presentations at academic conferences in Mogao and Beijing.

Sharing of knowledge is an important element in Three Hares Project research. The Project is always happy to receive details of sightings of the three hares and to learn of information relating to the design.

Chris Chapman     + 44 07796 977675
Tom Greeves     + 44 (0)1822 617004
Sue Andrew


The Three Hares Project acknowledges support from Devon County Council, Dartmoor National Park Authority, The Devonshire Association, Videotel Productions and private individuals.

Warm thanks are also due to the many vicars, church wardens and caretakers, museum curators and owners of private houses and collections who have assisted us.

Special thanks are due to the Classical Chinese Puzzle Project for its unstinting support.

All images and content, unless otherwise stated : © Chris Chapman / The Three Hares Project, 2022